I was determined to work through all 'Things'. At the outset I was concerned about finding sufficient time to do this and it has proved difficult. It's meant that every activity has been done in a rush but it's been do it like this or not at all. On the positive I have worked through every application and have developed base level competency in each tool I intent to return to many, use more and develop further competence.
I didn't blog much earlier on - didn't get into blogging, however because I had many posts to catch up on I have blogged a lot recently and to my surprise am getting into it (I would never have anticipated this happening. I'm no longer so inhibited about putting down my thoughts. Maybe it became easier to blog when I realised that no one was reading it anyway (everyone is either too busy or too into their own activities to want to). One thing I didn't do was to read others'blogs - at the outset I intended to engage with others' 23 Thing journeys but with no time even to complete my own activities there was no way that I could look at other peoples blogs. The few times I did I couldn't craft a satisfactory comment ('looks great; didn't seem adequate)This was ashame - I plan to read them now. So the whole social interaction didn't really happen through blogs, thouguh I did spend time talking with colleagues and looking at some of their applications/creations.
What will I use - definitely Google reader and RSS; Googledocs; Del.icio.us; my fledgling wiki; flickr/picasa, imersed images.
I must get broadband (at home). Dialup is not a goer with these applications. To really become familiar with these and the ongoing 'Things' I need to be able to 'play' and practice out of work time. What surprised me most was how creative working with most of the applications are. I really enjoyed adding images and dialogue and felt proud of my (amateurish) finished products.